Enrolment for the First Academic Year:
01 Apr 2021 – 31 Mar 2022
Admission into I.D.E.A.Q program is limited, applicant must pass an audition before being accepted. The audition date, place and schedule will be notified after receiving the application form.

3 months
Each course comprises of 4 different modules (Communicating, Acting, Dancing and Singing). Each module consists of 10 lessons at 1 hour 20 minutes each; in total 40 lessons.
The Course has 3 levels: Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. All students will have to start with elementary and would able to proceed to the next level after passing the examination.
AGE GROUP (10 persons per class)
8-12 years old / 13-17 years old / 18 years old & above
Primarily Cantonese
For any enquiries, please WhatsApp 6709 7037.
I.D.E.A. Quotient Education Centre reserves the right to cancel or postpone or change the courses scheduled or related activities due to unexpected circumstances or under force majeure clause。